Imperial Palace Walk/Jog


A very popular event organized by Mirai no Mori and sponsored by Robert Half, for participants of all ages! Choosing your own convenient time, walk or jog around the Imperial Palace for an hour or more, individually or in groups, and get a lovely souvenir t-shirt while supporting kids in care! A 'low-barrier' event for anyone from toddlers to seniors and all at your own pace!

Particularly popular with company teams at the end of their working week seeking some community contribution while getting fit!

Choose any hour between 15.00 and 19.00 on Friday April 4th or between 10.00 and 15.00 on Saturday 5th.

Participants walk/jog entirely at their own risk. KIWL and its members are not responsible nor liable for any injury or accident which occurs during the event.
参加者は完全に自己責任でウォーキング/ジョギングします。 KIWLおよびそのメンバーは、イベント中に発生したいかなる怪我や事故についても責任を負わないものとします.


Fri Apr 4 & Sat Apr 5


Imperial Palace Perimeter (see below)